The NEW iPhone 5
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The all new iPhone5 is already buzzing with speculation. Will the iPhone5 be a complete redesign Yes The current Apple iPhonerelease wasn't much to rave about, although people do really likeSiri, the personal assistant. However, the iPhone5 is going to have some amazing new hardware and features like 3D video and pictures, newly designed keyboards and 4G speeds to name a few.

The new iPhone5 is going to be loaded with awesome new features like video chat on 3g and 4g (no longer restricted to WiFionly), face recognition and extreme downloading. Also there is a new chat service between Apple devices!  Similar to the blackberry messenger service. It has also been integrated into the SMS/MMS application used originally on the iPhone models. (List of possible features below). The new iPhone5 features are speculated, these features are well received by the public and will typically follow suit based on previous releases and their features.

This iPhone5 will be equipped with a two A5 chip processors and higher more powerful  graphic chips that can deliver higher video resolutions (5-9 times better and 7 times faster) and amazing "still" images when taking pictures, AND it will make multi-tasking a lot faster, in addition to adding support for 4G speeds. The processor will have speeds at 1.5 - 2.0 GHz and 1GB of RAM. Obviously the new iPhone5 will have iMessage,iOS5, iCloud and all the standard features of the iPhone4S, including Sirithe personal assistant. These improvements alone will be healthy competition for the newly released Samsung Galaxy S II.

Apple recently filed several patent applications in order to bring 3D picture capturing to the iPhone5. This phone will be capable of rendering, capturing and processing 3D images, which coincides with the recent changes to the dual-camera hardware. The new iPhone5 will also be capable of taking pictures in Panorama

The new iPhone5 will boast 4G also known as LTE (Long Term Evolution)speeds, according to AT&T which is due to the 3rd Generation Partnership Project (3GPP) which is in line with the most recent technology standards for mobile networks.

Apple unveiled the iPhone4S, a faster version of its best-selling smartphone that includes a virtual "personal assistant" you can talk to. And now, Apple will release the iPhone5, which looks promising in terms of being sleek, packed with new hardware and finally less restrictions. Very exciting! We will update our information as soon as we learn more about the newest features of the iPhone5, as more information comes in daily. Again, the iPhone5 is going to be a complete redesign so there is still a lot to learn about this device. Check it out.

  •  Thinner sleeker design
  •  Physical Keyboard (Possible)
  •  Built in GPS standard
  •  Face Recognition Security
  •  Face Time on 3G and 4G
  •  Custom SMS tones 
  • Custom E-mail alerts with ability to assign different tones to each email address
  • Shatter resistant
  •  8 MEGAPIXEL Camera front and rear
  • 64G Basic and 120G memory
  • Extended battery life = 20 hours talk time on 3G and 10 hours on 4G. Standby 1000 hours.
  • Full 1080p HD Recording AND 3D Video Display
  • Messaging indicator light.
  • HTML5 (safari) Flash Player capable
SIM-Less Phone - Basically, the iPhone5 will be a World Phone, or World iPhone. This is accomplished huilding 2 to 3 internal antennas which makes it capable of GSM and CDMA technology, so you can take the phone to any network.

iPhone5 Launch Date
Based on previous releases and the recent release of the iPhone4s, it is expected that hte new iPhone5 will be released somewhere between June and July of 2012. Apple has typically released these phones very orderly, but with this complete redesign of the new iPhone5, along with the recent off schedule release of the iPhone4s, July of 2012 looks like a viable target. Steve jobs was working VERY hard on this new iPhone5 to be released in 2010 with a full and complete redesign that will deliver outstanding results and performance.

Currently, we have estimated pricing but we can not publish them since it will all depend on what carrier you choose to purchase your iPhone5 with. The iPhone5 price will be subsidized by all carriers and how much of the cost they will lower the iPhone5 by will depend on the length of the contract you sign. Currently, the iPhone5 will be available on AT&T, Verizon Wireless  and Sprint, with more carriers coming in the future. If this iPhone5 is truly a world phone, you will be able to take it to any carrier that wants to support it.

Will you stay with AT&T, Verizon or Sprint or take it to a different carrier  What additional carriers do you want to see the iPhone5 on Any additional features you would like (SEE WHAT OTHERS ARE SAYING BELOW).

AT&T vs Verizon Wireless (Before you buy an iPhone,READTHIS)
What you should know before choosing ATT or Verizon.
New iPhone5withiOS5

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Do Apple's products come in any other way Not really... just about everything they make is flawless...just like the Apple Tablet PC! There is still no word on rather or not the Apple Tablet will be hitched.

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