A Salute to Mahatma Gandhi
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A Salute to Mahatma Gandhi

Mahatma Gandhiji was one of the cherished divine and great leader to be remembered and his entire life spread a message of truth, freedom and non-violence throughout the world. Gandhiji has been called as the ‘Father of Nation’, because it was he who won freedom for us. Gandhiji fought strong and hard with his weapons of Satya and Ahisma to win the independence of the Indian people. Gandhiji was a true man of simple living and high thinking. Gandhiji had solid faith in God, and he believes God and religion were indivisible. Gandhiji enthused the whole world through his peaceful and truthful compilation. He was to be honored as a great man of peace. May his soul rest in harmony! May the humanity follow his true wisdom!

Shall we follow him...

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